Monday, January 15, 2007

The 1960s

A lot of people romanticize the 1960s for some reason. I thought about this while watching Forrest Gump last night. But why? Let's review:

* Cuban Missile Crisis
* JFK assassinated
* RFK assassinated
* MLK assassinated
* Malcolm X assassinated
* Medgar Evars murdered
* Thousands killed in Vietnam
* Jim Crow, Watts riots and other racial strife
* Berlin Wall built
* Great Leap Forward in China leaves millions dead
* Prague Spring crushed by Soviets
* Pueblo incident
* Great Society launched
* Sniper shootings at the University of Texas

This decade was then followed by the 1970s, which gave us Watergate, the oil crisis, defeat in Vietnam and US hostages in Iran. That's not to say some good things didn't happen -- landing a man on the moon, the Beatles and Che Guevara getting taken out. But overall, yeesh.

1 comment:

zi said...