Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Attacking Iran

So shortly after writing my post about 9/11 I read this blog post by Bill Quick, linked to approving by instapundit. Basically we should attack Iran. If there's a dumber idea out there -- and I'm including most of the stuff Dennis Kucinich believes -- I'm not aware of it.

If Bill Quick truly believes that bombing Iran is the single way Bush can save his presidency then he is seriously deluded. The American people want lots of things, an expanded conflict isn't one of the.

More significantly, any bombing of Iran would accomplish nothing -- actually less than nothing. In practical terms a bombing campaign would do little to retard Iran's progress towards building a nuke. Learning their lessons from the Israeli bombing of Osirak, the Iranians have ensured that their nuclear facilities are both dispersed and underground. The reality is this, short of a ground invasion and occupation of the country Iran will obtain nuclear weapons if given enough time. That is the truth that no one is willing to admit to, the elephant in the room.

Furthermore, we will take arguably the most pro-U.S. Islamic country in the region and turn it against us.

Lastly, if the new rule is that we bomb any Islamic regime that possesses nuclear weapons, at what point should the B-52s be scrambled should the government of Musharraf fall in Pakistan?

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