Maybe the 10th time will be a charm.
Really, why does anyone listen to this guy? Here's another prediction of Paul's that I'm anxious to revisit in the future:
Really, why does anyone listen to this guy? Here's another prediction of Paul's that I'm anxious to revisit in the future:
DANA: It's tough to predict the future, but would you be willing to look into the crystal ball?This guy is the ultimate one trick pony with his constant predictions of doom and collapse.
KRUGMAN: I'd say that America is probably going to be a place where, if you have a family of kids and you lose your job, serious misery may be staring you in the face. It's likely that you will find that there either is nothing like Medicaid, or the restrictions are extremely severe, so you have to be in dire poverty before you can get any sort of medical care for these kids. So either you have to be rich enough to afford medical care, or you have to be, basically, in the poorhouse. So if your elderly mother needs a hip replacement, you may well find that either you have to impoverish yourself to pay for it, or she'll have to do without. Taxes will likely go way up — particularly for working families. There'll be a lot of fees. Even now some school districts are charging for use of the school bus. Basically, if you're making $200,000 a year, taxes will be pretty low, and life can be good. But should you find yourself, through whatever misfortune, making $30,000 or $20,000 a year, it's going to be real — you want to think Charles Dickens. It's going to be poverty of a kind that we don't think of as happening to people in America. If you look at the things that are actually being severely underfunded now, the biggest burden seems to fall on children. We're stripping away programs that provide that basic floor for medical care and for nutrition. I'll bet we're going to see a substantial rise in infant mortality and more low-birth-weight infants. We'll see more children dying because their illnesses were untreated. It's gonna be a pretty harsh place. You can come back to me in fifteen years and see if this is right.