Wednesday, May 21, 2008


This is pretty sad from McCain:
MIAMI, FL -- In the city that nearly half of the nation's Cuban Americans call home, McCain again today criticized Obama, saying that his rival's willingness to meet with Raul Castro would send "the worst possible signal to Cuba's dictators."

McCain also hit Obama on what he characterizes as an inconsistency in the Illinois senator's position on the existing embargo restrictions placed on the island nation.

"Senator Obama filled out a questionnaire a few years ago basically advocating lifting the embargo on Cuba," McCain said today. "Now he is saying that it has to be conditional. What those conditions are is very nonspecific."

When running for Senate in 2003, Obama said that normalized relations with Cuba would "help the oppressed and poverty-stricken Cuban people while setting the stage for a more democratic government once Castro inevitably leaves the scene." He has since advocated that normalization should be contingent upon concessions from the Cuban government.
I saw Obama interviewed by Wolf Blitzer yesterday and Obama noted that the embargo-led policy towards Cuba of the last 40+ years hasn't worked -- and he's absolutely right. That McCain is willing to ignore this basic fact in a bid for votes from Miami's Cuban community doesn't speak too well to his foreign policy views.

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