Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Taking aim at laissez-faire

Piqued by curiosity I decided to read Arianna Huffington's latest column entitled "Laissez-Faire Capitalism Should Be as Dead as Soviet Communism." It's about 3 minutes of my life I will never get back. Rather than an insightful commentary, Huffington cites the New York Times article I discussed yesterday as basically the sum total of her evidence.
In a comprehensive piece on what led to the mortgage crisis and the subsequent financial meltdown, the New York Times shows how the Bush administration's devotion to unregulated markets was a primary cause of our economy to ruin.
The piece does nothing of the kind. Instead it shows how an ostensibly right-wing government attempted to use government to achieve desired social goals. Huffington either suffers from a lack of reading comprehension skills or is deliberately obfuscating the truth. Given her intelligence I suspect it is the latter.

If the free market was really the bugaboo much of the left claims it is you'd think they could level more cogent criticisms.

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