Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Leaving the country

Will be gone until Jan. 19.

I promise lots of incisive commentary upon my return and coverage of the inauguration hoopla. Until then I leave the reader with the following thought: In describing communism plenty of people often times state that it is "great in theory" even if they are critical of it in practice. This is false. Communism isn't even good in theory. Think about it, this is a system that promises the false notion that it can create true equality of condition. But why is that a good thing? Why would be want everyone to be equal? Does everyone put in a same amount of effort? Plainly no. Thus, in order to make everyone equal you have to steal from those that put in more effort and take advantage of their innate abilities to compensate those who lack drive or ability.

Thus, the fact that communism results in awful dictatorship and mediocrity isn't an unintended side effect, it is absolutely consistent with what we would expect the theory to produce.

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