Tuesday, February 03, 2009

More tax troubles

What. The. Hell.
Updated President Obama’s choice for the position of chief White House performance officer has withdrawn from consideration for the post, an administration official said Tuesday, after coming forward with concerns about her tax returns.
This was mildly amusing at first with Geithner, became a bit concerning with Daschle and is now completely ridiculous. As one reader on the instapundit blog commented, all we need to do to close the federal deficit is have Democrats pay their taxes.

I think that there are at least two conclusions that can be drawn from this. The first is that Obama has selected some rather ethically challenged individuals to staff his administration. The other, probably more plausible explanation, is that this is a reflection of just how convoluted and difficult the tax code has become to navigate. If all of these well educated, bright people can't figure out their taxes how are the rest of us supposed to?

Update: Well well, Daschle is out. However, given that the man made $5 million the last two years I'm not sure how big of a sacrifice forgoing a cabinet appointment is for him.

Another update: Debate on the subject here.


Anonymous said...

You didn't mention Richardson, Rangel, or Dodd. These peoples' "service to country" puts them above the rules that the rest of us commoners must obey. The days of royalty must be returning.

Anonymous said...

good for obama. these nominees f'ed up, and they withdrew. what's the problem?

Colin said...

Geithner withdrew?

The problem, as I pointed out, is that is shows how convoluted and messed up our tax code is.

lazer said...

well i don't think anyone is denying the tax code is complicated.

i wish obama would do something about it!

but before the Right starts moaning about supposed "ethical lapses" let us keep things in perspective, esp. compared to the previous administration.

nothing to see here.

Colin said...

This isn't about Obama. At best this indicates a tax code that is absolutely bizarre. At worst it suggests a political class that is hypocritical and out of touch.

Anonymous said...

We will NEVER get a simple tax code because politicians draw their power from the ability to grant favors to "helpful" constituencies. It is not by chance that the tax code is so complex. Special tax provisions are an important product that politicians sell. Lack of clarity facilitates that.