Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Quick hits

* A common definition of socialism is government ownership of the means of production. In other news the federal government is expected to own 70 percent of GM. Update: Also, even as the car companies struggle to stay afloat the Obama Administration is piling on new regulations by increasing CAFE standards.

* In Texas doctors are using the government to drive up health care costs. But I am sure it will be a different story on the federal level.

* Judging by the tone in his latest column, Obama seems to have officially lost David Brooks.

* Another New York Times columnist, Paul Krugman, takes a look at Democrat-dominated California's travails and concludes that Republicans are to blame. In other news grass remains green and the sky is blue.

* Light rail in Phoenix is such a fiscal mess that you could actually buy each rider a Prius and save nearly $1 billion. In Spain, meanwhile, recent construction costs for high-speed rail have averaged $22 million per mile. The line between Barcelona and Madrid -- the two biggest cities in the country -- was finished 4 years after its scheduled completion date. The first line was between Madrid and Sevilla, which coincidentally was the hometown of the prime minister at the time. The government-operated system loses money and has taken a big chunk of the (privately run) air traffic route between Barcelona and Madrid. But I'm sure it will be a different story in the U.S.

* You hear constant talk about how the Republican party needs another Ronald Reagan. Let's remember that Reagan both opposed an anti-gay ballot initiative in California while governor of the state -- even writing an editorial against it -- and signed a law liberalizing abortion in the state. Reagan is best remembered for his anti-communist stance and economic policies. Republicans might want to reflect on that.

* Obama's new Supreme Court pick apparently does not share outgoing Justice Souter's asceticism. Then of course there is the small matter that it appears she was picked more for her demographic profile than the soundness of her legal mind.

* Maryland finds out that when you tax millionaires you get less of them. And in New York too!

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