Monday, November 30, 2009


Remember me?
  • Steven Horwitz wonders whether President Obama will rely on things like actual data and evidence to help inform his economic policy-making. (Or climate change for that matter)
  • John Tamny on the oft-overlooked 10th Amendment. Much of the federal government is unconstitutional.
  • Dan Mitchell defends the Obama Administration's fiscal record. Well, more he makes the case that those on the political right should be angry at Republicans as well. (And according to The Washington Post, they are)

1 comment:

Paradigm Shifter said...

Yet when the Right does get upset with Republicans and Democrats, the same writers label them "wing nuts" and "outside the mainstream". They can't have their cake and eat it too. Let's face it - those who are actually pushing conservative values inside the GOP right now (limitted government, economic and political freedom, etc.) are the only ones actually walking-the-walk politically. They stand by their values, instead of bending with the wind. That's what really irritates (liberal) political writers.