"To get rich is glorious." -- Deng Xiaoping. This is perhaps the smartest thing ever uttered by a member of the Communist Party.
Friday, March 12, 2010
A dangerous profession in Greece.
Health care: Peter Suderman and Michael Cannon comment on the new CBO score while The Hill notes that health care is an issue Democratic candidates don't want to talk about.
The New York Times reports on the Greek retirement system, where hairdressers and television presenters can retire with a full pension at age 50. Amazing how the welfare state can make people feel entitled to such absurdities.
The Washington Post wonders if a speech made by President Obama yesterday will touch off a new battle over free trade. Scott Lincicome offers his own thoughts.
Mark Perry highlights the fact that the number of people who owe zero income tax continues to increase. That's not good.
Coyote Blog on slow progress at the FDA. John Stossel previously examined the FDA on his TV show here.
I have a BA in International Affairs and MA in International Trade and Investment Policy. I live in Washington, DC and work for a Fortune Global 500 company as a public policy analyst. I can be contacted at 2getrichisglorious-at-gmail.com.