"To get rich is glorious." -- Deng Xiaoping. This is perhaps the smartest thing ever uttered by a member of the Communist Party.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
You know things are bad in North Korea when the government starts allowing private markets to operate. Money quote: "The latest policy switch, though, stands as an acknowledgment that the currency move was a failure and that only capitalist-style trading can prevent widespread famine."
The Washington Post reports that as China spends on infrastructure with abandon that there are growing questions over how much of it is actually needed. Government is a notoriously bad allocator of resources.
Thomas Sowell revisits the Great Depression and the idea government can cure economic ills. Of course, it actually can -- but usually by getting out of the way.
Scott Lincicome notes that Canada has passed a bilateral free trade agreement with Colombia as the US-Colombia FTA continues to languish in Congress. Where's the leadership?
I have a BA in International Affairs and MA in International Trade and Investment Policy. I live in Washington, DC and work for a Fortune Global 500 company as a public policy analyst. I can be contacted at 2getrichisglorious-at-gmail.com.