"To get rich is glorious." -- Deng Xiaoping. This is perhaps the smartest thing ever uttered by a member of the Communist Party.
Thursday, August 18, 2011
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We keep adding more rules and more regulations yet the economy continues to struggle. The sad thing is that I imagine many people in this town really do see this as a conundrum.
Speaking of economic ignorance, Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood is actually bragging about the decision to purchase trains under Buy America provisions. Think about that, he is highlighting the fact that the government is overpaying for something it could buy cheaper elsewhere (if trains elsewhere were more expensive the Buy America provision would be unnecessary) and thus wasting taxpayer dollars.
I have a BA in International Affairs and MA in International Trade and Investment Policy. I live in Washington, DC and work for a Fortune Global 500 company as a public policy analyst. I can be contacted at 2getrichisglorious-at-gmail.com.