"To get rich is glorious." -- Deng Xiaoping. This is perhaps the smartest thing ever uttered by a member of the Communist Party.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Recommended reading
Conor Friedersdorf says that Americans should be allowed to sell stuff without a permit. Meanwhile, politicians in California are trying to solve that state's economic problems by, erm, regulating babysitters. This is the land of the free, right?
Postal Service workers paid to do nothing. Unions + government + monopoly=insanity.
Philip Klein makes the very good point that Republicans cannot content themselves with mere bashing of Obamacare, and must instead articulate an alternate vision.
It seems that China, which has inspired so much of the nonsensical push for green energy, is rethinking the wisdom of electric vehicles. But, but, green energy is the future!
I have a BA in International Affairs and MA in International Trade and Investment Policy. I live in Washington, DC and work for a Fortune Global 500 company as a public policy analyst. I can be contacted at 2getrichisglorious-at-gmail.com.