Monday, November 19, 2007

Ron Paul and the NAFTA Superhighway

I like Ron Paul. I think that he is a good guy and a useful voice in the debate over the role of government. But there's also something about him that's just a, which may explain why he attracts so many kooky supporters. This phenomenon was again on display in today's Des Moines Register in which Paul calls for a return to limited government. While he gets no disagreement from me there, he also includes this:
We should also reclaim our national sovereignty by first securing our borders. By now, many have heard about the proposed "NAFTA Superhighway." This superhighway would connect Mexico, the United States and Canada, cutting a wide swath through the middle of Texas and through Kansas City. One proposed path takes the superhighway right through Iowa. This superhighway can be built only by sacrificing family farms through eminent domain.
Only problem, the NAFTA Superhighway is a myth.

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