Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Media bubble

Ron Lieber writes a column for The New York Times on money management that is aimed at younger readers. In reading his most recent piece, entitled "It May Be Time to Think About Buying a House" something interesting occurred to me -- two of the three young couples profiled were lesbians. That's fine.

Statistically, however, it's bizarre given that the 2000 census only found about 1% of households feature same-sex couples. While I am sure that this is an undercount, I still have a hard time believing that this is off by more than a factor of 5-7.

What I think that this really speaks to is the environment inhabited by many members of the media, particularly the elite media such as the Times, which differs significantly from the one most people experience on a daily basis. If you read or watch the news and think to yourself, "What world do these people live in?" now you have some idea.

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