Tuesday, May 04, 2010

People and profits

Washington DC City Council member Jim Graham provides a window into the left-wing mind-set:
Catania and Mendelson, who wrote the legislation, also strongly defended a provision in the bill that allows for-profit companies to run the dispensaries. Graham, backed by medical marijuana advocates, said he was concerned that for-profit companies will care more about making money then they do about caring for patients.

"We should not allow patient health to take a back seat to profit," Graham said.
One frequently hears the refrain "People not profits" from members of the left, as though the two are somehow in conflict with one another. In fact, it is the complete opposite which is true, as it is through concern for one's customers and the provision of a worthwhile product that a profit is made. Show me an organization which demonstrates no concern for its customers and I will show you either a company headed for bankruptcy or a government office.

Perhaps this was a Freudian moment on Graham's part, as it is the government he works for, not private enterprise, which must increase which must place the welfare of its customers -- the citizenry -- as a secondary concern if it is to increase its revenue (namely, tax increases).

Update: Email sent to Councilman Graham:
Councilman Graham,

As a Ward One resident, I was appalled to read your statement as quoted by WashingtonPost.com that "We should not allow patient health to take a back seat to profit."

Councilman, there is little reason to believe there is a tension between the two or that they are somehow in conflict. Organizations which are profit-oriented also tend to be those which provide superior products and services. Apple, for example, does not make its record profits from somehow abusing its customers, but rather from selling them a product they enjoy. Businesses which compromise their quality in pursuit of profits typically do not last long. Experience shows that the experience of a customer is typically better at a profit-oriented organization, such the Target store you recently lured to Ward One, rather than one which does not concern itself with profits (e.g. the Post Office or DMV).

In fact, it is because that patient health is so important that I strongly urge you to support allowing profit-making enterprises to operate marijuana dispensaries. Such dispensaries will have a far greater incentive for providing superior service to their customers than any other type of organization. Profits, after all, are nothing more than a reward for providing a valued service or product.



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